00:29it is irritating that my computer is infected with a virus that eats up my hard disk's free space. it comes back when i restart the computer, but still loses the free space little by little. it would be hard to work when at a point my programs would not be working properly because of the virus. argh. it's time for reformat. i told kuya Benj about my problem and we decided that he'd come over next week to fix it. after we talked i texted him asking if he's available tomorrow because i can't wait that long. and that i felt like crying because my lovable computer is infected. huhuhu.. and he's coming over tomorrow! YAY!
this morning i decided to go to the gym. since it's Christmas vacation and i've been wanting to get out of the house and do something, the gym was the place to go to. i walked for 30mins on the threadmill and when i got down, i felt like i was floating. i rested for a bit and waited for the belly dancing class. hehehe.. damce belly! dance! anyway, the instructor arrived late but we still had fun dancing and bending blah blah blah.. i was so tired and my feet were hurting.. i was hoping to attend the hiphop class but instead, there was a taekwondo dance class. i headed for the locker room and my mom's friend invited me to join her in the taekwondo thingy and i said yes. after like 20mins i quit because i couldn't take it anymore. my feet were killing me! and i just wanted to flop down somewhere. i took a shower thinking i would go home and watch t.v. bwahahaha! while i was tying my shoes, i saw Donita Rose! OMG! my chance to take another picture.. i smiled at her and said hi, and she did the same. i finished tying my shoes hoping to catch her and have our pictures taken. but, when i peeked around the corner where i thought she was, she was gone. NYUUUU!!! i missed her. anyway, there's prolly another time where i would see her. its the gym, she'll be back someday. /gg
at the moment i am sending some of my "important" files to my e-mail for back-up. i was planning on burning then which would be soooo much quicker but i ran out of CD-R's waaaaaaaa.... poor me.. anyway, i had to zip em up and send them through e-mail which is taking really long.. oh well, what to do.. p.s. my own is now online but still need to fix some things by the looks of it, my 100th post on this blog is going to be my last.. ^^