net addiction


surfing. i have been surfing around for blog designs that i can use for my own. as i go around trying to fix my blog with this layout, checking if the links are working properly, i clicked on the link of its maker. unfazed. according to his/her 'new' blog, and the date this design was done, he/she hasn't updated for a few months now. and as i surf from link to link, i find benjo, who i just finished talking to, and was amazed to find a really cool blog. and to think i was amazed at most of the designs i find off the net. i commented on his blog and linked him to mine, so that i could visit his blog from time to time, i added him in ym to ask some questions if i need to and maybe have a new friend. (im friendly y'know) i found out that we have rather lot of things in common. he's currently 'trying to finish' his thesis with the course of computer science (same as mine but im not in thesis stage yet), we go to the same school in a different campus, we are both net addicts, we both tend to forget things easily, and some other stuff i can't remember.. XD anyway, we talked like we've been friends for a long time, in short, we got along well. before he left i gave him no choice but to be my 'older bro', i was thinking, this guy doesn't know me, we haven't met personally, we just met online, and he is offering any help he can to me with programming and other school work. HOW COOL IS THAT? just like an older bro. (if ever you're reading this kuya benny, HI!!!) ok back to my blabbing, i dont' usually read blogs, i just scan them and sometimes i would notice something interesting and read it. and that's what happend. in one of kuya benjo's entries indicated his findings as he was researching for his thesis. it is automatic for me to open a link in something i am surfing at in a new browser and check it out. (most of the time i have more or less than 10 browsers open, that is why i use mozilla firefox for surfing, i can open links in new tabs, having more than 1 page in a browser and the fact that my IE gets errors, i only use it for some sites that has codes mozilla can't process.) so, going back, as i was reading this entry, i found a rather list of blog after blog with cool designs, artistic creators, and ideally meaningful entries. damn, i gotta stop surfing and finish my own! if you've been reading my blog, (i doubt you are since there's only 1 person aside from me who visits my blog), i have some sites i have to finish for my mom's sideline. and so far i am doing good at this one, i am not done with the work but i am trying to work things out. as i stay at home and do some work or surf, i find things rather helpful for what i need, at the same time the WWW is wide open and is quite tempting to surf its wide world. i learn more things at home in the net than going to school. i sometimes wonder if i should tell my mom that i want to stop schooling and instead stay home for i learn more things that i can do with net work. and one day i could even make a profit out of it. as time passes by i sense maturity overtaking me, little by little, like a specimen that cannot be seen by the naked eye. in my mind i want to be responsible, dependable, creative, but alas, laziness is pulling me so strong i can barely hold to responsibility. the net, it is so addicting, they say that spending time at the computer makes a person dumber by the second, but if you think hard about it, the www is a huge library at your own grasp, you can find everything in it, it is of course the WORLD WIDE WEB. =)

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