

i was just in street dance class and for some reason my mind can't process the steps we are being taught of. damn. i know what they are but my body doesn't seem to cooperate. maybe because i just ate an hour and a half ago. hmm.. anyway, mom arrived today. as in so early like usual. and she was pissed coz the house was the same as she left it. as usual lazy me didn't do anything. the vacuum was borrowed and was only returned this morning. it's the only thing i do, vacuum. other than that, i put away my things the day brfore she gets home. if she only knew how the house was before she arrived. Lmao. it's a problem with me, i do things in my own time. i like to do them when i feel like it. but i DO chores. more often than usual i don't feel like it.. :P ok i'll go back on my work out.. hopefully more posts later. there's a lot of things i want to post but don't have the time at the moment.. ciao! :P

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