new again?


new in a sense of revision.. i get easily bored of my design and i long for new knowledge. everytime i change my layout, i learn something new. and whenever there's something wrong, kuya benj is always there to check it out for me. of course another person would see what's wrong. it has always been that way. when i was in my freshmen year, during our laboratories, i would sometimes help my friends debug their programs. if it's your own program you won't be able to see your fault automatically. sometimes, you really need a different opinion to see the flaw. it's never wrong to ask for help. especially when you need one.and asking for someone's help enables you to gain more knowledge. since you know your mistake, the next time you would be conscious about it. the less mistakes you make. don't let pride get in the way, in everything. i'm so happy this works well. hopefully it will stay this way for a long time. maybe my designs should be simple like this. but the old ones i make are kinda ok too.. but for now, i prefer this style. this is nix, signing off.. Zzzzzzz.... feeling:

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